What over 5,000+ Happy Students are saying about Learn Your CNC Academy👇


“By spending time learning how to use my CNC machine, it's no longer a dust collector. It is a viable and applicable piece of equipment in my shop that turns out some very nice pieces. It was well worth my time and financial resources. It is really not that much when you compare it to other training products out there.”

Kevin Guynn

Mentor, Ohio

See Some of Kevin's CNC Projects

"My biggest win from taking the Vectric Master Course has been working with a local
artist, and helping him develop his artwork into reality by outputting it on HDU foam for some
large projects. Not just large in scale and size, but monetary wise."

Kia'aina Wong

Oahu, Hawaii

See Some of Kia'aina's CNC Projects

 "My biggest win with the Vectric Master Training Course was understanding all the features and buttons that Vectric has and what all those buttons do."

Brent Schaffer

Jackson, Wyoming

See Some of Brent's CNC Projects

"I am 72 years old, and I am a right arm amputee. There are things that took a lot of time for me. By using Learn Your CNC, and the Vectric Master Training Course, those difficult tasks became simple."

Mike Smith

Ontario, Canada

See Some of Mike's CNC Projects

"I can't tell you the time the course has saved me where I was spending hours before."

Skip Deedon

Conway, Arkansas

 "If I were on my own and have not used the skills that I learned through the Live Vectric Group Training, I would be so far behind. And I would have this piece of equipment in my workshop that is just sitting there waiting for me to learn how to properly use it."

Kevin Guynn

Mentor, Ohio

See Some of Kevin's CNC Projects

"My biggest win with Learn Your CNC and Vectric software has been the confidence that it has given me. I really could not do what I do without Kyle's support."

Kia'aina Wong

Oahu, Hawaii

See Some of Kia'aina's CNC Projects

"My confidence has grown 100%. I don't look at a job now as: "Boy, how am I going to figure that out?" I already have an idea of how I am going to draw it and machine it. And it's thanks to Kyle and watching the Live Training Sessions."

Brent Schaffer

Jackson, Wyoming

See Some of Brent's CNC Projects

"Biggest thing I got out of Learn Your CNC was 3D modeling. Doing 3D models before was a task for me trying to watch YouTube videos. Kyle just does it so a 72 year old guy like me can understand it."

Mike Smith

Ontario, Canada

See Some of Mike's CNC Projects

"My biggest win with the Learn Your CNC course has been access to a knowledge base that is not available anywhere else. I am able to ask questions and get answers
for my specific situation."

Tony Babb

Tennessee, USA

See Some of Tony's CNC Projects

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