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#80: Wavy Flags 2D & 3D (Part 2) - 2/22/2022

#80: Wavy Flags 2D & 3D (Part 2)

3d modeling advanced aspire beginner intermediate live training replay project downloads toolpaths vcarve Feb 22, 2022

Note: You must be a member of the Learn Your CNC Academy Community to watch this replay. Benefits include weekly Q&A Meetups, weekly project lessons, monthly CNC challenges, an active community of Vectric users, past replay lessons & project files, and so much more!

🎌 Continue your journey into flag design with this follow-up lesson focused on creating 2D and 3D flags using Vectric software! Building on our previous session, we'll delve deeper into the toolpaths necessary for bringing your flag designs to life. We'll explore the use of the Distort tool for creating 2D flags suitable for VCarve Pro or Desktop, and we'll also cover the techniques for crafting custom wavy 3D flags in Aspire. By combining both methods, you'll learn how to produce unique and eye-catching flag designs. Perfect for users looking to refine their toolpath strategies and enhance their flag projects.

Keywords for this lesson(helps with search):

2d flags, 3d flags, distort tool, vcarve pro, vcarve desktop, aspire, toolpaths, custom flags, wavy flags, cnc design, vectric software, flag creation, design techniques, unique flags

#3dModeling #Advanced #Aspire #Beginner #Intermediate #ProjectDownloads #Toolpaths #Vcarve

Project Downloads: Yes

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