4-25-2024 Q&A: Vectric Tips for Mac Parallels, Tool Cabinet Ideas, Lightburn vs. Vectric Lasers, and Enhancing Clipart Definitions in CNC Projects
Apr 25, 2024Note: You must be a member of the Learn Your CNC Academy Community to watch this replay. Benefits include weekly Q&A Meetups, weekly project lessons, monthly CNC challenges, an active community of Vectric users, past replay lessons & project files, and so much more!
In this Q&A Meetup, we delved into a range of practical and technical issues faced by Vectric software users. From troubleshooting the preview screen turning black on Macs using Parallels to comparing the Lightburn and Vectric laser modules for enhancing CNC projects, the session was packed with valuable insights. We explored creative solutions for improving the definition of clipart carvings with tapered ballnose bits and discussed the nuances of importing and mirroring STL files in VCarve Pro. Participants also learned about managing CNC operations across different computers and the availability of inlay toolpaths in VCarve Desktop. This interactive session not only answered specific questions but also provided broader tips on software navigation, project setup, and tool management, making it a must-watch for anyone looking to enhance their CNC crafting skills.
Questions Answered in this Q&A:
- 00:04:33 - You mentioned that Vectric told you how to get the preview screen from turning black when using a Mac slash Parallels. Can you share that please?
- 00:08:10 - Idea for a tool cabinet.
- 00:32:21 - Going to be purchasing a laser for his long mill, can you provide any pros or cons to using Lightburn versus the Vectric laser module add on?
- 00:42:09 - Setting up a puzzle and trying to add these clipart rings that are entwined, when carved with a tapered ball nose bit, it comes out very flat. It does not represent the rings. What can be done to this clip art to get more definitions.
mac parallels black screen fix, tool cabinet ideas, lightburn vs vectric laser module, clipart definition improvement, carving with tapered ballnose, stl file importing, mirroring tabs in vectric, computer setup for cnc, inlay toolpath availability, vectric software updates, zeroing double sided projects, checking thickness in two-sided projects, spacing letters in vectric, vectric course search, drilling and pocketing techniques, positioning text in vectric
Not a member of our Learn Your CNC Academy Community? Join over 2,500+ students today! Benefits include weekly Q&A Meetups, weekly project lessons, monthly CNC challenges, an active community of Vectric users, past replay lessons & project files, and so much more!