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#224: 3D Love Teddy Bear

3d modeling advanced aspire gift idea intermediate live training replay love project downloads toolpaths vcarve Feb 06, 2025

Note: You must be a member of the Learn Your CNC Academy Community to watch this replay. Benefits include weekly Q&A Meetups, weekly project lessons, monthly CNC challenges, an active community of Vectric users, past replay lessons & project files, and so much more!

🧸 Celebrate love with this adorable 3D Love Teddy Bear CNC project! In this lesson, you'll learn how to combine Vectric clipart components to create a teddy bear holding hearts, perfect for Valentine's Day or special gifts. Discover how to edit grouped clipart, reposition components, add personalized text, and create toolpaths for a smooth 3D carve. Whether you're using Aspire or importing the provided STL into VCarve, this project is fully customizable and fun to make!

Keywords for this lesson(helps with search):

vectric software, 3d love teddy bear, valentines day project, clipart library, aspire, vcarve, trace bitmap, node editing, toolpath projection, 3d modeling, heart banner, text on curve, combine mode, vcarve toolpath, pocket toolpath, ball nose bit, 3d roughing, 3d finishing, taper ball nose, cnc carving, custom engraving, cnc gift project
#3dmodeling #advanced #aspire #giftidea #intermediate #love #projectdownload #toolpaths #vcarve

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