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2-9-2023 Q&A: Feeds and Speeds for King Color Core, 3D Texture Addition, Pocketing Undercut Issue, Cutting Thin Stainless Steel, Custom Mouse Setup, Material Boundary Explanation and More!

q&a meetup replays Feb 09, 2023

Note: You must be a member of the Learn Your CNC Academy Community to watch this replay. Benefits include weekly Q&A Meetups, weekly project lessons, monthly CNC challenges, an active community of Vectric users, past replay lessons & project files, and so much more!

In an insightful Q&A Meetup, enthusiasts delved into advanced CNC techniques and troubleshooting, from achieving pristine cuts on King Color Core with a 60-degree V-bit to intricacies of 3D model texturing and pocketing challenges. The session also navigated the programming of grid patterns for Microfit jig clamp tables, cutting thin stainless steel with precision, and configuring custom tool databases for laser and fourth-axis additions on CNC machines. Further, discussions on optimizing Vectric software use, from leveraging the M3 mouse for streamlined navigation to understanding the implications of open versus closed vectors in toolpath creation, were covered. The call proved to be a deep dive into CNC craftsmanship, offering solutions to complex problems and enhancing workflow efficiency, making it an invaluable resource for both novices and seasoned woodworkers looking to expand their skill set and project quality.

Questions Answered in this Q&A:

  • 00:02:03 - Looking for best feeds and speeds for cutting King Color Core with a 60-degree V-bit and seeking bit suggestions.
  • 00:04:25 - Having trouble adding a texture 3D model to the top of a bowl despite following a video tutorial.
  • 00:15:44 - Experiencing undercutting issues during pocketing despite adjustments.
  • 00:33:32 - How to program a six-inch square grid pattern for a Microfit jig clamp table with each line as a single cut?
  • 00:49:55 - Can thin stainless steel glued to three-quarter inch plywood be cut, and what type of bit should be used?
  • 00:55:38 - How to make custom tool databases for different configurations on a Shark HD520?
  • 01:04:32 - Can I get a copy of your M3 mouse setup, including button commands?
  • 01:08:41 - Why do you need closed vectors? In some cases we can use open vectors like you did the grid
  • 01:11:21 - How to import an STL file and adjust heights below the wood surface?
  • 01:21:15 -  To add a vector, select it from the design or draw a new one.
  • 01:23:22 - What is the material boundary exactly?


king color core, clean cuts, 60 degree v-bit, feeds and speeds, 3d model texturing, pocketing issues, form tool, microfit jig clamp table, grid pattern programming, cutting thin stainless steel, tool recommendations, adding laser and fourth axis, custom tool database, Vectric software, M3 mouse setup, closed vs open vectors, importing STL files, material boundary, adjusting material heights, CNC tips, laser cutting, rotary tools, Vectric Aspire, VCarve Pro, CNC project troubleshooting, efficiency improvements, woodworking techniques, CNC machine configurations, Vectric gadgets, toolpath optimization, woodworking community, Q&A session

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