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2-7-2023 Q&A: Tooth Spacing, Spoil Board Template, Understanding 3D Planes, Router Hole Location, Resizing Projects, Optimizing Fourth Axis Feeds and Speeds, Loading Clip Art, Multi-Part Jig Setup.

q&a meetup replays Feb 07, 2023

Note: You must be a member of the Learn Your CNC Academy Community to watch this replay. Benefits include weekly Q&A Meetups, weekly project lessons, monthly CNC challenges, an active community of Vectric users, past replay lessons & project files, and so much more!

This week's Q&A session delved into a rich tapestry of CNC and design topics, highlighting the community's depth of curiosity and expertise. From fine-tuning cuts on King ColorCore with a 60-degree V bit to intricately adding 3D textures atop bowls, the discussions spanned technical advice and creative troubleshooting. Participants tackled pocketing challenges, explored cutting patterns for Microfit jig tables, and ventured into cutting thin stainless steel, demonstrating the diverse range of projects within our community. The session also navigated the integration of lasers and fourth axes on CNC machines, custom tool databases for enhanced project specificity, and the strategic setup of tools like the M3 mouse for streamlined operation. Questions about vector types, STL file importation, and material boundaries further underscored the precision and attention to detail that define our craft. This meetup was a testament to the collaborative spirit that thrives among us, offering both newcomers and veterans valuable insights into CNC crafting and Vectric software mastery.

Questions Answered in this Q&A:

  • 00:02:03 - Seeking optimal feeds, speeds, and bit suggestions for cutting King Color Core with a 60-degree V-bit.
  • 00:04:25 - Struggling to add a texture 3D model to the top of a bowl despite following a video tutorial.
  • 00:15:44 - Facing undercutting problems during pocketing despite adjustments in subsequent passes.
  • 00:33:32 - How do I program a six-inch square grid pattern for a Microfit jig clamp table, with each line being a single cut?
  • 00:49:55 - Can you cut thin stainless steel glued to ¾" plywood, and with what bit?
  • 00:55:38 - How can I create a custom tool database for each Shark HD520 configuration with a laser and fourth axis?
  • 01:04:32 - Kyle got the M3 mouse. Could I get a copy of your button setup and commands?
  • 01:08:41 - Why do you need closed vectors? In some cases we can use open vectors like you did the grid
  • 01:11:21 - Could you explain how to import an STL file and set the heights below the surface of the wood?
  • 01:21:15 -  I've imported and go to the tool path and it says there's no vector selected, How do you add a vector?
  • 01:23:22 - What is the material boundary exactly?


king color core, clean cut, 60 degree v bit, feeds and speeds, bit recommendation, 3d model, texture, bowl top, pocketing issue, form tool, step over, flat bottom, vector depth, grid pattern, microfit jig clamp table, cutting stainless steel, thin materials, shark hd520, laser addition, fourth axis, custom tool database, m3 mouse setup, closed vectors, open vectors, importing stl file, material boundary, surface heights, vector selection

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