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2-23-2023 Q&A: Finishing Cut Issues, Curved Molding Toolpath, Zero Point Reset, Power Loss Recovery, G50 Offsets, Ball Nose Depth Control, Reducing Production Time, and More!

q&a meetup replays Feb 23, 2023

Note: You must be a member of the Learn Your CNC Academy Community to watch this replay. Benefits include weekly Q&A Meetups, weekly project lessons, monthly CNC challenges, an active community of Vectric users, past replay lessons & project files, and so much more!

Tackle your CNC challenges with insights from our February 23rd Q&A Meetup. This session delved into advanced topics like fine-tuning finish cuts, crafting intricate moldings, and managing unexpected power losses. Experts shared strategies for setting G50 offsets, preventing ballnose bits from damaging material, and optimizing project times. Additionally, discussions on leveraging zero planes, transitioning from VCarve to Aspire, and ensuring depth control during machining provided practical solutions for common issues. Whether you're interested in personalized instruction or seeking tips to elevate your CNC projects, this meetup offered valuable advice and innovative strategies for Vectric software users. Join us to enhance your digital fabrication skills and bring precision to your woodworking endeavors.

Questions Answered in this Q&A:

  • 00:02:18 - Struggling with 3D finish cutting due to ballnose tool behavior.
  • 00:07:38 - Making a piece of molding that is curved and he's using the molding tool path.
  • 00:15:24 - Can a drilled hole in the waist area reset the x y zero point after power loss?
  • 00:17:11 - If power is lost, what steps should he take to restart the tool from the beginning?
  • 00:23:28- Can you go over the G 50 offsets and how to set them?
  • 00:45:11 - Can Aspire be set up to limit 1/16" ball nose tool depth to avoid collet contact during finish cuts?
  • 00:55:58 - I'm wondering if there's any way of reducing the product time.
  • 01:05:53 - If I do one-on-one classes.
  • 01:06:24 - Do you go into various uses of zero planes in the course?


finishing cut adjustments, molding toolpath, resetting XY zero after power loss, G50 offsets, depth control for ballnose bits, reducing project time, one-on-one classes, zero planes usage, converting VCarve to Aspire files, double-sided project import, adding rotary axis, 3D model from photo, tool database management, rounded cone on dowel, deeper engraving techniques, Kaizen foam inserts, clearance pass stepover, adjusting text spacing, securing blanks for rotary machining, multi-pass profile creation, fixing fonts in Vectric, clamshell modeling, laser cutting inside circles, inlays with large offsets, overcut for double-sided models, Vectric software, CNC troubleshooting, woodworking projects, digital fabrication tips, creative solutions, interactive learning, educational content

Not a member of our Learn Your CNC Academy Community? Join over 2,500+ students today!Ā Benefits include weekly Q&A Meetups, weekly project lessons, monthly CNC challenges, an active community of Vectric users, past replay lessons & project files, and so much more!