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#134: Customizing a Rotary Mallet - 3/16/2023

#134: Customizing a Rotary Mallet

3d modeling advanced aspire live training replay popular project downloads rotary toolpaths workshop project Mar 16, 2023

Note: You must be a member of the Learn Your CNC Academy Community to watch this replay. Benefits include weekly Q&A Meetups, weekly project lessons, monthly CNC challenges, an active community of Vectric users, past replay lessons & project files, and so much more!

📏 Perfecting the Use of Guides and Snapping in Vectric - In this lesson, we focus on mastering the Guides and Snapping features within Vectric software. You’ll learn how to set up and utilize guides to align your vectors with precision, making your design process more efficient. We’ll explore the different snapping options, such as Grid Snapping and Object Snapping, to ensure your elements are perfectly positioned every time. This lesson is essential for anyone looking to enhance their accuracy and workflow in Vectric, whether you’re working on a simple layout or a complex design.

Keywords for this lesson (helps with search):
Guides, Snapping, Vectric software, Grid Snapping, Object Snapping, vector alignment, design precision, efficient workflow, accurate positioning, layout design, complex design

Project Downloads: Yes

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