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#130: SketchUp Crash Course: Designing a Lazy Susan Bookshelf - Part 1 - 2/16/2023

#130: SketchUp Crash Course: Designing a Lazy Susan Bookshelf - Part 1

aspire cnc joinery cut2d furniture intermediate live training replay project downloads sketchup vcarve Feb 16, 2023

Note: You must be a member of the Learn Your CNC Academy Community to watch this replay. Benefits include weekly Q&A Meetups, weekly project lessons, monthly CNC challenges, an active community of Vectric users, past replay lessons & project files, and so much more!

🧰 Mastering the VCarve Toolpath Toolbox - In this lesson, we dive into the intricacies of VCarve toolpaths, focusing on the V-Carve/Engraving Toolpath and the Profile Toolpath. You'll learn how to create sharp, detailed carvings, adjust toolpath settings for optimal results, and explore advanced options like Flat Depth and Project Toolpath onto 3D Model. We'll also cover practical tips on choosing the right tools, setting appropriate feeds and speeds, and troubleshooting common issues. Whether you're crafting intricate designs or working on larger projects, this lesson will help you harness the full potential of VCarve to bring your creative visions to life!

Keywords for this lesson (helps with search):

VCarve toolpath, Engraving toolpath, Profile toolpath, Flat Depth, Project Toolpath, 3D Model, toolpath settings, feeds and speeds, tool selection, troubleshooting, intricate designs, Vectric software, carving techniques, advanced options, detailed carvings

Project Downloads: Yes


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