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12-27-2023 Q&A: Stacked text methods, creating dotted texture, deleting fonts, casting website to TV, turning 2D to 3D, realistic award ribbon, photo to design with diamond drag bit.

q&a meetup replays Dec 27, 2023

Note: You must be a member of the Learn Your CNC Academy Community to watch this replay. Benefits include weekly Q&A Meetups, weekly project lessons, monthly CNC challenges, an active community of Vectric users, past replay lessons & project files, and so much more!

In this Q&A Meetup, we covered a variety of CNC and Vectric software topics, from creating 3D stacked text to achieving realistic textures in designs. Participants learned about the pros and cons of different text stacking methods, strategies for managing and deleting unused fonts, and techniques for converting photos into carvable 3D images. The session offered practical advice for enhancing award ribbon designs and tips for using a diamond drag bit. A valuable resource for anyone looking to refine their CNC projects with advanced design techniques.

Question Answered in this Q&A:

  • 00:01:00 - What are the pros and cons of using the pocket weld method for 3D stacked text in VCarve Pro?
  • 00:06:05 - How can I recreate a random dotted texture on a badge instead of a consistent pattern?
  • 00:13:36 - How can I delete unwanted fonts I've added over the years?
  • 00:17:51 - Has anybody been able to cast Kyle's website to their TV?
  • 00:20:26 - Which lesson or class would you recommend to learn how to turn this into a 3D image for carving?
  • 00:29:37 - How can I make an award ribbon for a local show look more realistic?
  • 00:54:52 - How do I convert a photo to a design that can be carved with a diamond drag bit?


 3d stacked text, pocket weld method, vcarve pro, dotted texture, deleting fonts, casting website to tv, converting images to 3d, award ribbon realism, diamond drag bit carving, texture creation, vectric software, project troubleshooting, design optimization, clipart usage, realistic design techniques, manual tracing, vectorization, outsourcing design work

Not a member of our Learn Your CNC Academy Community? Join over 2,500+ students today! Benefits include weekly Q&A Meetups, weekly project lessons, monthly CNC challenges, an active community of Vectric users, past replay lessons & project files, and so much more!