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#10: Custom Baseball & Basketball Sign - 10/22/2020

#10: Custom Baseball & Basketball Sign

3d modeling aspire beginner gift idea live training replay project downloads stacked text toolpaths vcarve Oct 22, 2020

Note: You must be a member of the Learn Your CNC Academy Community to watch this replay. Benefits include weekly Q&A Meetups, weekly project lessons, monthly CNC challenges, an active community of Vectric users, past replay lessons & project files, and so much more!

🐴 Personalize Your 3D Models: Adding Custom Text to STL Files in Vectric! In this lesson, we focus on enhancing a 3D model by incorporating custom text into an STL file of a horseshoe using Vectric software. You'll learn how to manage 3D models, add outset letters, and troubleshoot common issues like overlapping models and text disappearing during the modeling process. We’ll guide you through each step, from importing the STL file to refining the final design, ensuring your text integrates seamlessly with the model. Whether you’re customizing a project or learning to handle complex 3D modifications, this lesson will provide the insights and techniques you need to succeed.

Keywords for this lesson(helps with search):

stl file, 3d model, vectric software, horseshoe, custom text, outset letters, 3d modeling, stl import, text integration, troubleshooting, model refinement, complex 3d modifications, project customization, design techniques, overlapping models, text disappearing, design troubleshooting

#3DModeling #Aspire #Beginner #GiftIdea #ProjectDownloads #StackedText #Toolpaths #Vcarve

Project Downloads: Yes

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