10-8-2024 Q&A: Tapered Ball Nose Bits, Rotary Toolpath Overlaps, and Corian Cutting Tips
Oct 08, 2024Note: You must be a member of the Learn Your CNC Academy Community to watch this replay. Benefits include weekly Q&A Meetups, weekly project lessons, monthly CNC challenges, an active community of Vectric users, past replay lessons & project files, and so much more!
In this Q&A session, we covered questions ranging from tool bit selection to troubleshooting rotary toolpath issues. We discussed the optimal use of tapered ball nose bits, strategies for carving Corian material, and how to address overlapping issues when carving on a rotary axis. The session also touched on tips for improving glue-up projects, dealing with deflection, and finding appropriate bits for deeper cuts.
Key Tips Learned in this Q&A:
Tapered Ball Nose Bit Safety: When using a tapered ball nose bit for cutting thick material, ensure at least three-quarters of an inch of the bit is inserted into the collet for stability, especially when cutting harder materials. This helps reduce the risk of deflection or tool breakage.
Rotary Toolpath Troubleshooting: Overlapping images on a rotary axis can be caused by incorrect post-processor settings or machine calibration. Double-check the setup, including the machine’s steps per rotation and ensure the post-processor is compatible with rotary projects.
Improving Letter Cutting: Using the wrong tool (e.g., an end mill) for intricate 3D models can result in rough cuts or missed areas. Switching to a tapered ball nose bit with an 8% stepover can provide smoother results around fine details like letters.
Glue-Up Precision: Minor gaps in glue-ups can result from small inaccuracies in tool bit sizing or machine deflection. Adding a small last pass or sanding tabs can help minimize gaps and improve the overall fit of stacked or joined pieces.
Corian Cutting Advice: When cutting Corian, use the same feed and speed settings as for hardwood but reduce the depth per pass (e.g., use half the bit diameter). Down-cut spiral bits provide cleaner cuts, especially on the top edges, while plunge rates should be slowed to prevent chipping.
Questions Answered in this Q&A:
- 00:09:05 - How much of a tapered ball nose bit needs to be inserted into the collet for safe cutting of 2-inch thick material?
- 00:23:35 - How to fix overlapping images when using a rotary toolpath on a rolling pin project?
- 00:34:00 - What causes rough cutting around letters in a stacked text sign project, and how to fix it?
- 00:39:03 - How to improve the glue-up process for blanks in a Ringmaster bowl project?
- 00:50:28 - What feeds, speeds, and depth of cut should I use when cutting 1.5-inch Corian on a Shark HD 510 CNC?
 tapered ball nose, collet insertion, rotary toolpath, overlapping images, vcarve, stacked text, glue-up, ringmaster bowl, corian cutting, shark hd 510, feeds and speeds, deflection, ncviewer, post processor issues
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